8mm and Super 8 Films – Best way to preserve them!

13 janvier 2012 par Frederic Lapointe

More and more archives are starting to collect or pay more attention to 8mm and super 8, so archival storage options are very much on people’s minds.  Many people prefer reels to cores for 8mm storage, 8mm (including Super 8) on cores tends to fall apart into a terrible mess when transferred to split reels. Magnetic sound striped 8mm film and single striped Super 8 are almost impossible to move from a core to a split reel 8mm as the stripe is only on one side of the film. 8mm film (including Super 8) on cores cannot be wrapped as tightly as 16mm without the risk of creating cinch marks.


Our 7” audio tape boxes are suited perfectly to fit an 8mm film reel and you can store them upright! Give us a call if you wish to receive a sample or order!


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