Search for a Logo for the World Day for AV Heritage

10 juillet 2009 par Frederic Lapointe

A message from Brid Dooley, General Secretary Fiat/Ifta

October 27th is UNESCO World Day for AV Heritage

Every year this day is marked by the organisation of activities around a them agreed upoon by the Coordinating  Council of Audio-visual Archive Associations (CCAAA).  This is the UNESCO body (of which FIAT is a member) designated to oversee the celebration.

The them for this year is:

« Fading Heritage: We Can Save It »

For greater impact, both UNESCO and the CCAAA have recognized the need to come up with a logo to give the celebration its own identifiable brand and a Search for la Logo for the World Day for AV Heritage is underway in the form of a competition.

You will find all the details at and the deadline for submission of entries is not later than August 15.

Please let all your colleagues, your design department or companies specialising in graphic design in your country know about the competition.

It will also be appreciated if mass media (radio, TV and print) could be harnessed to announce the search to as wide an audience as possible for greater public participation. This announcement is envisioned to form part of the campaign to create awareness on the AV Day and its significance which will culminate in the celebration of the World Day itself in October.


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